Best Dictation Software For Lawyers

Attorneys need to streamline their transcription workflow. With reliable software, audio recordings of any legal proceeding can be transcribed accurately and fully searchable transcripts can be created. Compared to the lengthy manual transcription process, this speech-to-text productivity platform uses A.I. To convert speech to text in. Portable handheld recording devices allow attorneys to dictate on the go, and Olympus Dictation Management System (ODMS) software automatically routes recordings into the firm’s workflow, either to a transcriptionist, directly into speech recognition software, or a combination of both. Best for dictating text using the human language interface on any website or software.

By Stephen Rynkiewicz

Britt Lorish demonstrated Dragon NaturallySpeaking software at ABA Techshow 2018. Photo by Saverio Truglia.

Process automation tools are plentiful at ABA Techshow, and consultants, generally, resist recommending one best-of-breed solution that can work for every office.
However, when it comes to speech dictation, one program seems to have separated itself from the pack.

During a Friday afternoon session at ABA Techshow, Britt Lorish of Affinity Consulting Group devoted her presentation, entitled “Stop Talking and Start Talking: Speech Recognition Tools,” to a single vendor: Dragon’s speech-recognition software.


“Dragon NaturallySpeaking is unquestionably the leader,” Lorish said. “Nobody else has comparable algorithms, or has dumped as much money into the category.” It’s hard not to recommend Dragon, she explained, because it powers most voice-command products, including Apple’s Siri.

Practitioners who haven’t tried dictation software in a while need to take a new look at the product, Lorish said. Windows’ built-in speech recognition tool “isn’t horrible,” she allowed, and is worth trying as an introduction to dictation products.

Speech software is faster than typing, Lorish said—a godsend for mobility and accessibility—and a legal hack for drafting well-formed arguments. “The attorneys who have really learned to dictate think before they speak,” she explained. “Their oratory skills improve, particularly if they’re litigating.”

The technology has advanced since Lorish first tried Dragon in 1997. “I. Had. To. Stop. After. Every. Word,” she recalled. Now, the software is so sensitive to context that it’s better to speak without a break, and it can be set to recognize dialects that include Southern and teen speech, she noted. By reading emails and other documents, the software recognizes speech patterns and gets more accurate.

Document-building shortcuts are built-in or easily programmed. Users can switch between typing out numbers or using numerals, trigger macros or shortcut keys with voice commands, or call for preset text blocks from signatures to standard objection phrases. Lorish gave demonstrations on how to edit with voice commands, schedule appointments, search the web and send emails. Documentation includes a useful workbook.

Britt D. Lorish, a partner with Affinity Consulting Group, demonstrates how to navigate a form with voice commands.

According to Lorish, most lawyers will find the $300 Dragon Professional version adequate—only litigators would likely need Dragon Legal at $500. Mobile devices require the Dragon Anywhere app, a subscription product. Use on a network requires the group edition license. For users who stay within two versions of the most recent release, upgrades are $99.

Lorish recommended running the software on a computer with at least 8 MB of RAM and an Intel Core i7 or equivalent processor. The software works well with a variety of mics; she recommended the Plantronics Savi, which connects to cellphone or computer, or the ZoomSwitch add-on to toggle between PC and phone.

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The future is getting brighter and brighter as the world continues to be more modern with day to day enhancements. While if you are not aware about Dictation, and then let us tell you there is a bright future for people who are into this domain. Going along with the Realtime, nobody would love to type some huge bunch of text. To simplify all process, we bring in your some of the best Dictation apps to convert all possible documents from voice to texts or messages, or emails, or sometimes even the entire document as well.With the advancements in the world going on with a rapid speed, it’s clearly visible how important are dictation apps going to be in the upcoming times. Seriously, who would like to type some bunch of huge paragraphs? Not me atleast! And therefore, there is definitely a need for such apps. The list of Dictation Apps for iPhone includes
  • Audio Memos – The Voice Recorder
  • QuickVoice2Text Email
  • Recorder
  • iRecorder Pro
  • iTalk Recorder
  • PocketDictate
  • Voice Answer
  • Vlingo
  • Best Dictation Software For Lawyers

    Best dictation software for lawyers
  • Dictamus – Dictate & Send
  • Dragon Dictation
  • So let’s go ahead and checkout what are the best Dictation apps for iPhone we have got in for you.

    Top 10 iPhone Dictation Apps

    One of the most important point to note here is none of the apps are 100% exact and perfect, so we can expect some kind of spelling mistakes or misspelled words from time to time. Although, it’s a matter of fact they are consistently working on upgrading their apps daily so that at some point of time in future we wouldn’t have the need to use keyboard ever again.

    10. Audio Memos – The Voice Recorder

    Audio Memos is on our top list for iPhone Dictation app. It simply powerful, simple interface and provides crystal clear facilities. It has the ability to record anything which can be later converted into text or email format. Along with that, it has clean interface, which makes anyone impressive about it and can be used by all kinds of people. It is simple and elegant and can be effectively used to record all day to day activity and need. One of the most impressive features is that it has the ability of Playback as well wherein you can simply hear your recording with stunning sound quality. Download

    9. QuickVoice2Text Email

    QickVoice2Text takes you out for the need to write and write long emails and text messages. While we all know the fact that writing has never been easy for anyone out there, therefore QickVoice2Text comes in quick help. With this app, text and emails are now possible by just a Tap. Once you open the interface, you would automatically understand what need to be done since it provides simple and clean interface. Another great advantage of using this is, it gives you additional benefits say like background recording, sending voicemails and text messages in a matter of few seconds and a hundred more of them. Download

    8. Recorder

    As the name suggest, it is one of the most powerful and elegant iPhone App. It can be effectively used for phone calls recording, email recording, etc. It also has some addon features like enabling you to pause, rewind, and stop facility. It has plenty of options more for you to enjoy all its features along with crystal clear interface. Download

    7. iRecorder Pro

    iRecorder, as the name suggest, can be effectively used for recording all kinds of texts, emails and messages. There are plenty of features included in this app, out of which includes High audio quality, simple interface, very easy to use and navigate, has integrated WiFi and iTunes Sync, and many more. If you are looking forward for a great and high quality sound recording then iRecorder is what you are looking for. Download

    6. iTalk Recorder

    If you wanna hear what people say about iTalk Recorder, then checkout “iTalk Recorder puts the sound quality you need in the palm of your hand.”, this is what the description says about them. While they are almost near to truth wherein they provide immense and powerful best quality sound possible. Talking about the interface part, it has clean and elegant and simple interface which suits all kinds of users. Download

    5. PocketDictate

    Pocket Dictate is a perfect app for all the dictation purpose on a business tour. This is more suitable for people of all kinds starting from basics till advances. There are lot of features includes which are ranging from Easy to Edit, Rewind, Pause, Overwrite. It also enables you to end the dictated text over mail for better usability. Download

    4. Voice Answer

    Voice Answer is a beautiful iPhone app that gives you immense power over your voice control. It provides a great sources of information along with the powerful ability to convert all your speeches into texts and emails. One of the most interesting things about Voice Answer is that it can be a good alternative for Siri, which indeed is true to a great extent. Download

    3. Vlingo

    Vlingo is a wonderful application which can perfectly match the role of Apple’s Siri. It a perfect virtual assistance which does your work in a good manner. This is an awesome iPhone dictation app which converts all your voice into perfect text format be it a text message, or email conversation or finding directions. You could also connect it to social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. It also does some amazing things which includes, if you wanna send a message, just tell Vlingo what to send and whom to send and it will be done automatically. Download

    2. Dictamus – Dictate & Send

    One of the most beautiful features of Dictamus is that it has clean and elegant interface with simplicity. Not just this, it also allows you to dictate, rewind, overwrite and manipulate your recordings, which is one of the top most reason why we listed it on to our Top 2

    Dictation Software Free

    nd best app for dictation. Along with these many features, it helps you email all your stuff to anyone or you could also choose to upload them and store on your cloud storage area like Dropbox. Finally, it provides you with decent sound quality along with its simple interface enabling you to record all your stuffs within matter of few minutes. Download

    1. Dragon Dictation

    Now finally we come to end of our discussion with the best iPhone Dictation Apps, Dragon Dictation. While this app performs all functions just like what other apps do. But in additional to that it provides plenty of addon services which includes Facebook and Twitter speech to text conversion, speech to emails, speech to texting and thus this deserves to be on the number one list. DownloadBut of-course, you should not forget about Siri. Apple has its own dictation app, which perform all the above listed functions in a better way than the rest of all apps. Infact, it’s the best and to me, none of the apps can ever match Apple Siri, which is a perfect example for Artificial Intelligence.Give them a shot and I am sure you would find them as the best list of dictation apps for iPhone. Do pour your comments in our commenting section about which one does your job in a better way in transforming your speech to written texts.Tags:Audio Memos, Dictamus, Dragon Dictation, iRecorder Pro, iTalk Recorder, PocketDictate, QuickVoice2Text Email, Vlingo, Voice Answer

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