
  • Overview
  • Block Elements
  • Span Elements
  • Miscellaneous
  • HTML-to-Markdown converter.
  • # This is an H1 # ## This is an H2 ## ### This is an H3 ##### Blockquotes. Markdown uses email-style characters for blockquoting. If you're familiar with quoting passages of text in an email message, then you know how to create a blockquote in Markdown.

Note: This document is itself written using Markdown; youcan see the source for it by adding ‘.text’ to the URL.

마크다운 (Markdown)은 마크업 언어의 일종으로, 존 그루버(John Gruber)와 아론 스워츠(Aaron Swartz)가 만들었다. 처음 이메일의 글쓰기 형식에 영감받아 python을 이용하여 html변환기를 만드면서 시작되었다. Inserting Headings with Markdown. The heading elements in HTML (H1-H6) are used to create titles for your content. Each heading 'level' is used to show where a particular title is in the post hierarchy; for example, the main title of a page or article will use the H1 heading, while each subsection of the article will use an H2 heading. Markdown passes the test with flying colors. Writing using Markdown just feels right. Since its introduction in 2004, millions of people have starting using it to.



Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible.

Readability, however, is emphasized above all else. A Markdown-formatteddocument should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without lookinglike it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions. WhileMarkdown’s syntax has been influenced by several existing text-to-HTMLfilters — including Setext, atx, Textile, reStructuredText,Grutatext, and EtText — the single biggest source ofinspiration for Markdown’s syntax is the format of plain text email.

To this end, Markdown’s syntax is comprised entirely of punctuationcharacters, which punctuation characters have been carefully chosen soas to look like what they mean. E.g., asterisks around a word actuallylook like *emphasis*. Markdown lists look like, well, lists. Evenblockquotes look like quoted passages of text, assuming you’ve everused email.

Inline HTML

Markdown’s syntax is intended for one purpose: to be used as aformat for writing for the web.

Markdown is not a replacement for HTML, or even close to it. Itssyntax is very small, corresponding only to a very small subset ofHTML tags. The idea is not to create a syntax that makes it easierto insert HTML tags. In my opinion, HTML tags are already easy toinsert. The idea for Markdown is to make it easy to read, write, andedit prose. HTML is a publishing format; Markdown is a writingformat. Thus, Markdown’s formatting syntax only addresses issues thatcan be conveyed in plain text.

For any markup that is not covered by Markdown’s syntax, you simplyuse HTML itself. There’s no need to preface it or delimit it toindicate that you’re switching from Markdown to HTML; you just usethe tags.

The only restrictions are that block-level HTML elements — e.g. <div>,<table>, <pre>, <p>, etc. — must be separated from surroundingcontent by blank lines, and the start and end tags of the block shouldnot be indented with tabs or spaces. Markdown is smart enough notto add extra (unwanted) <p> tags around HTML block-level tags.

For example, to add an HTML table to a Markdown article:

Note that Markdown formatting syntax is not processed within block-levelHTML tags. E.g., you can’t use Markdown-style *emphasis* inside anHTML block.

Span-level HTML tags — e.g. <span>, <cite>, or <del> — can beused anywhere in a Markdown paragraph, list item, or header. If youwant, you can even use HTML tags instead of Markdown formatting; e.g. ifyou’d prefer to use HTML <a> or <img> tags instead of Markdown’slink or image syntax, go right ahead.

Unlike block-level HTML tags, Markdown syntax is processed withinspan-level tags.

Automatic Escaping for Special Characters

In HTML, there are two characters that demand special treatment: <and &. Left angle brackets are used to start tags; ampersands areused to denote HTML entities. If you want to use them as literalcharacters, you must escape them as entities, e.g. &lt;, and&amp;.

Ampersands in particular are bedeviling for web writers. If you want towrite about ‘AT&T’, you need to write ‘AT&amp;T’. You even need toescape ampersands within URLs. Thus, if you want to link to:

you need to encode the URL as:

in your anchor tag href attribute. Needless to say, this is easy toforget, and is probably the single most common source of HTML validationerrors in otherwise well-marked-up web sites.

Markdown allows you to use these characters naturally, taking care ofall the necessary escaping for you. If you use an ampersand as part ofan HTML entity, it remains unchanged; otherwise it will be translatedinto &amp;.

So, if you want to include a copyright symbol in your article, you can write:

and Markdown will leave it alone. But if you write:

Markdown will translate it to:

Similarly, because Markdown supports inline HTML, if you useangle brackets as delimiters for HTML tags, Markdown will treat them assuch. But if you write:

Markdown will translate it to:

However, inside Markdown code spans and blocks, angle brackets andampersands are always encoded automatically. This makes it easy to useMarkdown to write about HTML code. (As opposed to raw HTML, which is aterrible format for writing about HTML syntax, because every single <and & in your example code needs to be escaped.)

Block Elements

Paragraphs and Line Breaks

A paragraph is simply one or more consecutive lines of text, separatedby one or more blank lines. (A blank line is any line that looks like ablank line — a line containing nothing but spaces or tabs is consideredblank.) Normal paragraphs should not be indented with spaces or tabs.

The implication of the “one or more consecutive lines of text” rule isthat Markdown supports “hard-wrapped” text paragraphs. This differssignificantly from most other text-to-HTML formatters (including MovableType’s “Convert Line Breaks” option) which translate every line breakcharacter in a paragraph into a <br /> tag.

When you do want to insert a <br /> break tag using Markdown, youend a line with two or more spaces, then type return.

Yes, this takes a tad more effort to create a <br />, but a simplistic“every line break is a <br />” rule wouldn’t work for Markdown.Markdown’s email-style blockquoting and multi-paragraph list itemswork best — and look better — when you format them with hard breaks.


Markdown supports two styles of headers, Setext and atx.

Setext-style headers are “underlined” using equal signs (for first-levelheaders) and dashes (for second-level headers). For example:

Any number of underlining =’s or -’s will work.

Atx-style headers use 1-6 hash characters at the start of the line,corresponding to header levels 1-6. For example:

Optionally, you may “close” atx-style headers. This is purelycosmetic — you can use this if you think it looks better. Theclosing hashes don’t even need to match the number of hashesused to open the header. (The number of opening hashesdetermines the header level.) :


Markdown uses email-style > characters for blockquoting. If you’refamiliar with quoting passages of text in an email message, then youknow how to create a blockquote in Markdown. It looks best if you hardwrap the text and put a > before every line:

Markdown allows you to be lazy and only put the > before the firstline of a hard-wrapped paragraph:

Blockquotes can be nested (i.e. a blockquote-in-a-blockquote) byadding additional levels of >:

Blockquotes can contain other Markdown elements, including headers, lists,and code blocks:

Any decent text editor should make email-style quoting easy. Forexample, with BBEdit, you can make a selection and choose IncreaseQuote Level from the Text menu.


Markdown supports ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists.

Unordered lists use asterisks, pluses, and hyphens — interchangably — as list markers:

is equivalent to:


Ordered lists use numbers followed by periods:

It’s important to note that the actual numbers you use to mark thelist have no effect on the HTML output Markdown produces. The HTMLMarkdown produces from the above list is:

If you instead wrote the list in Markdown like this:

or even:

you’d get the exact same HTML output. The point is, if you want to,you can use ordinal numbers in your ordered Markdown lists, so thatthe numbers in your source match the numbers in your published HTML.But if you want to be lazy, you don’t have to.

If you do use lazy list numbering, however, you should still start thelist with the number 1. At some point in the future, Markdown may supportstarting ordered lists at an arbitrary number.

List markers typically start at the left margin, but may be indented byup to three spaces. List markers must be followed by one or more spacesor a tab.

To make lists look nice, you can wrap items with hanging indents:

But if you want to be lazy, you don’t have to:

If list items are separated by blank lines, Markdown will wrap theitems in <p> tags in the HTML output. For example, this input:

will turn into:

But this:

will turn into:

List items may consist of multiple paragraphs. Each subsequentparagraph in a list item must be indented by either 4 spacesor one tab:

It looks nice if you indent every line of the subsequentparagraphs, but here again, Markdown will allow you to belazy:

To put a blockquote within a list item, the blockquote’s >delimiters need to be indented:

To put a code block within a list item, the code block needsto be indented twice — 8 spaces or two tabs:

It’s worth noting that it’s possible to trigger an ordered list byaccident, by writing something like this:

In other words, a number-period-space sequence at the beginning of aline. To avoid this, you can backslash-escape the period:

Code Blocks

Pre-formatted code blocks are used for writing about programming ormarkup source code. Rather than forming normal paragraphs, the linesof a code block are interpreted literally. Markdown wraps a code blockin both <pre> and <code> tags.

To produce a code block in Markdown, simply indent every line of theblock by at least 4 spaces or 1 tab. For example, given this input:

Markdown will generate:

One level of indentation — 4 spaces or 1 tab — is removed from eachline of the code block. For example, this:

will turn into:

A code block continues until it reaches a line that is not indented(or the end of the article).

Within a code block, ampersands (&) and angle brackets (< and >)are automatically converted into HTML entities. This makes it veryeasy to include example HTML source code using Markdown — just pasteit and indent it, and Markdown will handle the hassle of encoding theampersands and angle brackets. For example, this:

will turn into:

Regular Markdown syntax is not processed within code blocks. E.g.,asterisks are just literal asterisks within a code block. This meansit’s also easy to use Markdown to write about Markdown’s own syntax.

Horizontal Rules

You can produce a horizontal rule tag (<hr />) by placing three ormore hyphens, asterisks, or underscores on a line by themselves. If youwish, you may use spaces between the hyphens or asterisks. Each of thefollowing lines will produce a horizontal rule:

Span Elements


Markdown supports two style of links: inline and reference.

In both styles, the link text is delimited by [square brackets].

To create an inline link, use a set of regular parentheses immediatelyafter the link text’s closing square bracket. Inside the parentheses,put the URL where you want the link to point, along with an optionaltitle for the link, surrounded in quotes. For example:

Will produce:

If you’re referring to a local resource on the same server, you canuse relative paths:

Reference-style links use a second set of square brackets, insidewhich you place a label of your choosing to identify the link:

You can optionally use a space to separate the sets of brackets:

Then, anywhere in the document, you define your link label like this,on a line by itself:

That is:

  • Square brackets containing the link identifier (optionallyindented from the left margin using up to three spaces);
  • followed by a colon;
  • followed by one or more spaces (or tabs);
  • followed by the URL for the link;
  • optionally followed by a title attribute for the link, enclosedin double or single quotes, or enclosed in parentheses.

The following three link definitions are equivalent:

Note: There is a known bug in Markdown.pl 1.0.1 which preventssingle quotes from being used to delimit link titles.

The link URL may, optionally, be surrounded by angle brackets:

You can put the title attribute on the next line and use extra spacesor tabs for padding, which tends to look better with longer URLs:

Link definitions are only used for creating links during Markdownprocessing, and are stripped from your document in the HTML output.

Link definition names may consist of letters, numbers, spaces, andpunctuation — but they are not case sensitive. E.g. these twolinks:

are equivalent.

The implicit link name shortcut allows you to omit the name of thelink, in which case the link text itself is used as the name.Just use an empty set of square brackets — e.g., to link the word“Google” to the google.com web site, you could simply write:

And then define the link:

Because link names may contain spaces, this shortcut even works formultiple words in the link text:

And then define the link:

Link definitions can be placed anywhere in your Markdown document. Itend to put them immediately after each paragraph in which they’reused, but if you want, you can put them all at the end of yourdocument, sort of like footnotes.

Here’s an example of reference links in action:

Using the implicit link name shortcut, you could instead write:

Both of the above examples will produce the following HTML output:

For comparison, here is the same paragraph written usingMarkdown’s inline link style:

The point of reference-style links is not that they’re easier towrite. The point is that with reference-style links, your documentsource is vastly more readable. Compare the above examples: usingreference-style links, the paragraph itself is only 81 characterslong; with inline-style links, it’s 176 characters; and as raw HTML,it’s 234 characters. In the raw HTML, there’s more markup than thereis text.

With Markdown’s reference-style links, a source document much moreclosely resembles the final output, as rendered in a browser. Byallowing you to move the markup-related metadata out of the paragraph,you can add links without interrupting the narrative flow of yourprose.


Markdown treats asterisks (*) and underscores (_) as indicators ofemphasis. Text wrapped with one * or _ will be wrapped with anHTML <em> tag; double *’s or _’s will be wrapped with an HTML<strong> tag. E.g., this input:

will produce:

You can use whichever style you prefer; the lone restriction is thatthe same character must be used to open and close an emphasis span.

Emphasis can be used in the middle of a word:

But if you surround an * or _ with spaces, it’ll be treated as aliteral asterisk or underscore.

To produce a literal asterisk or underscore at a position where itwould otherwise be used as an emphasis delimiter, you can backslashescape it:


To indicate a span of code, wrap it with backtick quotes (`).Unlike a pre-formatted code block, a code span indicates code within anormal paragraph. For example:

will produce:

To include a literal backtick character within a code span, you can usemultiple backticks as the opening and closing delimiters:

which will produce this:

The backtick delimiters surrounding a code span may include spaces — one after the opening, one before the closing. This allows you to placeliteral backtick characters at the beginning or end of a code span:

will produce:

With a code span, ampersands and angle brackets are encoded as HTMLentities automatically, which makes it easy to include example HTMLtags. Markdown will turn this:


You can write this:


to produce:


Admittedly, it’s fairly difficult to devise a “natural” syntax forplacing images into a plain text document format.

Markdown uses an image syntax that is intended to resemble the syntaxfor links, allowing for two styles: inline and reference.

Inline image syntax looks like this:

That is:

  • An exclamation mark: !;
  • followed by a set of square brackets, containing the altattribute text for the image;
  • followed by a set of parentheses, containing the URL or path tothe image, and an optional title attribute enclosed in doubleor single quotes.

Reference-style image syntax looks like this:

Where “id” is the name of a defined image reference. Image referencesare defined using syntax identical to link references:

As of this writing, Markdown has no syntax for specifying thedimensions of an image; if this is important to you, you can simplyuse regular HTML <img> tags.


Automatic Links

Markdown supports a shortcut style for creating “automatic” links for URLs and email addresses: simply surround the URL or email address with angle brackets. What this means is that if you want to show the actual text of a URL or email address, and also have it be a clickable link, you can do this:

Markdown will turn this into:

Automatic links for email addresses work similarly, except thatMarkdown will also perform a bit of randomized decimal and hexentity-encoding to help obscure your address from address-harvestingspambots. For example, Markdown will turn this:

into something like this:

which will render in a browser as a clickable link to “[email protected]”.

(This sort of entity-encoding trick will indeed fool many, if notmost, address-harvesting bots, but it definitely won’t fool all ofthem. It’s better than nothing, but an address published in this waywill probably eventually start receiving spam.)

Backslash Escapes

Markdown allows you to use backslash escapes to generate literalcharacters which would otherwise have special meaning in Markdown’sformatting syntax. For example, if you wanted to surround a wordwith literal asterisks (instead of an HTML <em> tag), you can usebackslashes before the asterisks, like this:

Markdown provides backslash escapes for the following characters:


This article provides an alphabetical reference for writing Markdown for docs.microsoft.com (Docs).

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. Docs supports CommonMark compliant Markdown parsed through the Markdig parsing engine. Docs also supports custom Markdown extensions that provide richer content on the Docs site.

You can use any text editor to write Markdown, but we recommend Visual Studio Code with the Docs Authoring Pack. The Docs Authoring Pack provides editing tools and preview functionality that lets you see what your articles will look like when rendered on Docs.

Alerts (Note, Tip, Important, Caution, Warning)

Alerts are a Markdown extension to create block quotes that render on docs.microsoft.com with colors and icons that indicate the significance of the content. The following alert types are supported:

These alerts look like this on docs.microsoft.com:


Information the user should notice even if skimming.


Optional information to help a user be more successful.


Essential information required for user success.


Negative potential consequences of an action.


Dangerous certain consequences of an action.

Angle brackets

If you use angle brackets in text in your file--for example, to denote a placeholder--you need to manually encode the angle brackets. Otherwise, Markdown thinks that they're intended to be an HTML tag.

For example, encode <script name> as &lt;script name&gt; or <script name>.

Angle brackets don't have to be escaped in text formatted as inline code or in code blocks.

Apostrophes and quotation marks

If you copy from Word into a Markdown editor, the text might contain 'smart' (curly) apostrophes or quotation marks. These need to be encoded or changed to basic apostrophes or quotation marks. Otherwise, you end up with things like this when the file is published: It’s

Here are the encodings for the 'smart' versions of these punctuation marks:

  • Left (opening) quotation mark: &#8220;
  • Right (closing) quotation mark: &#8221;
  • Right (closing) single quotation mark or apostrophe: &#8217;
  • Left (opening) single quotation mark (rarely used): &#8216;


Blockquotes are created using the > character:

The preceding example renders as follows:

This is a blockquote. It is usually rendered indented and with a different background color.

Bold and italic text

To format text as bold, enclose it in two asterisks:

To format text as italic, enclose it in a single asterisk:

To format text as both bold and italic, enclose it in three asterisks:

Code snippets

Docs Markdown supports the placement of code snippets both inline in a sentence and as a separate 'fenced' block between sentences. For more information, see How to add code to docs.


The columns Markdown extension gives Docs authors the ability to add column-based content layouts that are more flexible and powerful than basic Markdown tables, which are only suited for true tabular data. You can add up to four columns, and use the optional span attribute to merge two or more columns.

The syntax for columns is as follows:

Columns should only contain basic Markdown, including images. Headings, tables, tabs, and other complex structures shouldn't be included. A row can't have any content outside of column.

For example, the following Markdown creates one column that spans two column widths, and one standard (no span) column:

This renders as follows:

This is a 2-span column with lots of text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum mollis nuncornare commodo. Nullam ac metus imperdiet, rutrum justo vel, vulputate leo. Donecrutrum non eros eget consectetur.


Docs supports six levels of Markdown headings:

  • There must be a space between the last # and heading text.
  • Each Markdown file must have one and only one H1 heading.
  • The H1 heading must be the first content in the file after the YML metadata block.
  • H2 headings automatically appear in the right-hand navigating menu of the published file. Lower-level headings don't appear, so use H2s strategically to help readers navigate your content.
  • HTML headings, such as <h1>, aren't recommended, and in some cases will cause build warnings.
  • You can link to individual headings in a file via bookmark links.

Markdown H1n1 Pandemic


Although Markdown supports inline HTML, HTML isn't recommended for publishing to Docs, and except for a limited list of values will cause build errors or warnings.


The following file types are supported by default for images:

  • .jpg
  • .png

Standard conceptual images (default Markdown)

The basic Markdown syntax to embed an image is:

Where <alt text> is a brief description of the image and <folder path> is a relative path to the image. Alternate text is required for screen readers for the visually impaired. It's also useful if there's a site bug where the image can't render.

Underscores in alt text aren't rendered properly unless you escape them by prefixing them with a backslash (_). However, don't copy file names for use as alt text. For example, instead of this:

Write this:

Standard conceptual images (Docs Markdown)

The Docs custom :::image::: extension supports standard images, complex images, and icons.

For standard images, the older Markdown syntax will still work, but the new extension is recommended because it supports more powerful functionality, such as specifying a localization scope that's different from the parent topic. Other advanced functionality, such as selecting from the shared image gallery instead of specifying a local image, will be available in the future. The new syntax is as follows:

If type='content' (the default), both source and alt-text are required.

Markdown H1 Without Underline

Complex images with long descriptions

You can also use this extension to add an image with a long description that is read by screen readers but not rendered visually on the published page. Long descriptions are an accessibility requirement for complex images, such as graphs. The syntax is the following:

If type='complex', source, alt-text, a long description, and the :::image-end::: tag are all required.


Specifying loc-scope

Sometimes the localization scope for an image is different from that of the article or module that contains it. This can cause a bad global experience: for example, if a screenshot of a product is accidentally localized into a language the product isn't available in. To prevent this, you can specify the optional loc-scope attribute in images of types content and complex.


The image extension supports icons, which are decorative images and should not have alt text. The syntax for icons is:

If type='icon', only source should be specified.

Included Markdown files

Where markdown files need to be repeated in multiple articles, you can use an include file. The includes feature instructs Docs to replace the reference with the contents of the include file at build time. You can use includes in the following ways:

  • Inline: Reuse a common text snippet inline with within a sentence.
  • Block: Reuse an entire Markdown file as a block, nested within a section of an article.

An inline or block include file is a Markdown (.md) file. It can contain any valid Markdown. Include files are typically located in a common includes subdirectory, in the root of the repository. When the article is published, the included file is seamlessly integrated into it.

Includes syntax

Block include is on its own line:

Inline include is within a line:

Where <title> is the name of the file and <filepath> is the relative path to the file. INCLUDE must be capitalized and there must be a space before the <title>.

Here are requirements and considerations for include files:

  • Use block includes for significant amounts of content--a paragraph or two, a shared procedure, or a shared section. Do not use them for anything smaller than a sentence.
  • Includes won't be rendered in the GitHub rendered view of your article, because they rely on Docs extensions. They'll be rendered only after publication.
  • Ensure that all the text in an include file is written in complete sentences or phrases that do not depend on preceding text or following text in the article that references the include. Ignoring this guidance creates an untranslatable string in the article.
  • Don't embed include files within other include files.
  • Place media files in a media folder that's specific to the include subdirectory--for instance, the <repo>/includes/media folder. The media directory should not contain any images in its root. If the include does not have images, a corresponding media directory is not required.
  • As with regular articles, don't share media between include files. Use a separate file with a unique name for each include and article. Store the media file in the media folder that's associated with the include.
  • Don't use an include as the only content of an article. Includes are meant to be supplemental to the content in the rest of the article.


For information on syntax for links, see Use links in documentation.

Lists (Numbered, Bulleted, Checklist)

Numbered list

To create a numbered list, you can use all 1s. The numbers are rendered in ascending order as a sequential list when published. For increased source readability, you can increment your lists manually.

Don't use letters in lists, including nested lists. They don't render correctly when published to Docs. Nested lists using numbers will render as lowercase letters when published. For example:

This renders as follows:

  1. This is
  2. a parent numbered list
    1. and this is
    2. a nested numbered list
  3. (fin)

Bulleted list

To create a bulleted list, use - or * followed by a space at the beginning of each line:

This renders as follows:

  • This is
  • a parent bulleted list
    • and this is
    • a nested bulleted list
  • All done!

Whichever syntax you use, - or *, use it consistently within an article.


Checklists are available for use on Docs via a custom Markdown extension:

This example renders on Docs like this:

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Use checklists at the beginning or end of an article to summarize 'What will you learn' or 'What have you learned' content. Do not add random checklists throughout your articles.

Next step action

You can use a custom extension to add a next step action button to Docs pages.

The syntax is as follows:

For example:

This renders as follows:

You can use any supported link in a next step action, including a Markdown link to another web page. In most cases, the next action link will be a relative link to another file in the same docset.

Non-localized strings

You can use the custom no-loc Markdown extension to identify strings of content that you would like the localization process to ignore.

All strings called out will be case-sensitive; that is, the string must match exactly to be ignored for localization.

To mark an individual string as non-localizable, use this syntax:

For example, in the following, only the single instance of Document will be ignored during the localization process:

Markdown H1 2019


Use to escape special characters:

You can also use metadata in the YAML header to mark all instances of a string within the current Markdown file as non-localizable:


The no-loc metadata is not supported as global metadata in docfx.json file. The localization pipeline doesn't read the docfx.json file, so the no-loc metadata must be added into each individual source file.

In the following example, both in the metadata title and the Markdown header the word Document will be ignored during the localization process.

In the metadata description and the Markdown main content the word document is localized, because it does not start with a capital D.


Selectors are UI elements that let the user switch between multiple flavors of the same article. They are used in some doc sets to address differences in implementation across technologies or platforms. Selectors are typically most applicable to our mobile platform content for developers.

Because the same selector Markdown goes in each article file that uses the selector, we recommend placing the selector for your article in an include file. Then you can reference that include file in all your article files that use the same selector.

There are two types of selectors: a single selector and a multi-selector.

Single selector

... will be rendered like this:


Markdown H1

... will be rendered like this:

Subscript and superscript

You should only use subscript or superscript when necessary for technical accuracy, such as when writing about mathematical formulas. Don't use them for non-standard styles, such as footnotes.

For both subscript and superscript, use HTML:

This renders as follows:

Hello This is subscript!

Markdown H1 Regex

This renders as follows:

Goodbye This is superscript!


The simplest way to create a table in Markdown is to use pipes and lines. To create a standard table with a header, follow the first line with dashed line:

This renders as follows:

This isa simpletable header
it doesn'tactuallyhave to line up nicely!

You can align the columns by using colons:

Renders as follows:

left-aligned columnright-aligned columncentered column


The Docs Authoring Extension for VS Code makes it easy to add basic Markdown tables!

You can also use an online table generator.

Markdown H1 Review

Line breaks within words in any table cell

Long words in a Markdown table might make the table expand to the right navigation and become unreadable. You can solve that by allowing Docs rendering to automatically insert line breaks within words when needed. Just wrap up the table with the custom class [!div].

Here is a Markdown sample of a table with three rows that will be wrapped by a div with the class name mx-tdBreakAll.

It will be rendered like this:

NameSyntaxMandatory for silent installation?Description
Quiet/quietYesRuns the installer, displaying no UI and no prompts.
NoRestart/norestartNoSuppresses any attempts to restart. By default, the UI will prompt before restart.
Help/helpNoProvides help and quick reference. Displays the correct use of the setup command, including a list of all options and behaviors.

Line breaks within words in second column table cells

You might want line breaks to be automatically inserted within words only in the second column of a table. To limit the breaks to the second column, apply the class mx-tdCol2BreakAll by using the div wrapper syntax as shown earlier.

Data matrix tables

A data matrix table has both a header and a weighted first column, creating a matrix with an empty cell in the top left. Docs has custom Markdown for data matrix tables:

Every entry in the first column must be styled as bold (**bold**); otherwise the tables won't be accessible for screen readers or valid for Docs.

Markdown H1 Pro

HTML Tables

Discord Markdown H1

HTML tables aren't recommended for docs.microsoft.com. They aren't human readable in the source - which is a key principle of Markdown.