
Using a teleprompter is great for editors as well. The footage is clear, concise, and easy to put together and edit. When you use a teleprompter, you sound more confident and prepared! Having portable teleprompters is a huge bonus! Simple, free teleprompter. Paste text into editor window, and click 'Start Presenting'. If you find a bug or want to request a feature, please email me instead of posting feedback. Teleprompt.online is an online telepompter as a free web app to prompt text in your browser. You can use it in any modern web browser, without limitations. Wether you want to prompt text for a speech, a play or a video, simply light on your desktop, or your tablet and play to prompt.

How to Use Microsoft Word as a Teleprompter for your Next Zoom

This easy reformatting trick in Microsoft Word will help you present better when reading your notes during your next Zoom meeting.


It’s always important to establish eye contact with your audience if you want to create a strong connection. The same is especially true when talking via Zoom and other video conferencing platforms. And the only way to do that is to stare directly at your little webcam. That can be difficult when you’re also trying to pay attention to all of those little boxes of faces on your screen.

There’s also the reality that many of us have had to Frankenstein together more advanced work stations at home with multiple monitors, creating even more eyeline complexities.

In short, a lot of people aren’t following the best practice of looking directly at their webcams these days. If you’re even close, I think most folks on the receiving end are relatively forgiving.

Now, I’m not saying that’s okay. I’m saying that’s what I’ve seen happening. And because it’s generally become acceptable to look slightly off camera while Zooming, there’s a huge opportunity to exploit in that little space between where you should look and where your eyes are likely focusing .

Create your own Teleprompter
If you’re presenting to your Zoom audience, and you’ve got notes or perhaps a full script to read, you should position them on your screen right under your webcam to reduce the effect that you’re reading. A physical page of notes taped under your webcam can work, but I’m not talking about an analog solution. Move that Microsoft Word window up. Keep it all digital.

The closer you can get your Word doc to your webcam the better. It’s like activating your own little teleprompter. The result will be remarkably close to the appearance that you’re effortlessly talking to your audience and not reading your script. And because your audience has been conditioned to seeing others look off screen, they likely won’t notice your visual trick.

Don’t Let your Eyes Ruin your Illusion
That said, they will see you reading your notes if your Word window is still at its normal width. Your eyes will clearly be moving left to right and from line to line. (Then, the jig will be up!)

You need to make your Word window thinner… only 8-10 words across to correct the problem.

But then how are you supposed to see a complete line of your script if only part of it is now visible?

Here’s the fix:

Use Web Layout
Change the view in Word from Print Layout to Web Layout.

Once you do that, you can shrink the width of your page, and the text will automatically wrap to fit your thinner Word window.

Then, all you need to do is scroll down the page using your mouse or trackpad as you’re reading.

Congratulations, you’ve effectively created your personal teleprompter!

How to Adjust the Default Settings
Here are the easy steps to make the change to your Word doc:

On Word’s top menu bar, click on View from the Home menu.

On the left, you’ll see Print Layout and Web Layout. Click Web Layout.

Then, click on Zoom to adjust the size of your text so you can easily read it.

That’s it!

Advanced Tip: Minimize the Ribbon
To get your notes even closer to your webcam, collapse Word’s top ribbon.
On a Mac, press Command + Option + R.
On a PC, press Control + F1.

Another Tool for your Virtual World
Living life on Zoom during these many pandemic months has been draining for all of us. Reformatting Microsoft Word to serve as your pseudo-teleprompter is one way to make your Zoom presentations a lot easier.

Looking to purchase a teleprompter, but overwhelmed by the options? In this guide, I’ve extensively researched and used many of the leading teleprompters on the market, narrowing it down to the top choices which I’d like to share with you.

Portable teleprompters are a great for live entertainment, recording lessons, web conferences, YouTube videos, speeches, presentations, news broadcasts, and even karaoke!

This blog will help you decide on which portable teleprompter is best for you! I have researched extensively and made a list of the best portable teleprompters for you!

I always use portable teleprompters to record my videos! It makes it extremely easy to read while making eye contact with the camera or audience.

Using a teleprompter is great for editors as well. The footage is clear, concise, and easy to put together and edit. When you use a teleprompter, you sound more confident and prepared! Having portable teleprompters is a huge bonus!

Portable teleprompters can be both permanent and portable! They offer the same functionality as a studio teleprompter without being large and bulky.

Portable teleprompters are also more adjustable and lightweight. Since they are used for travel, they are often collapsible or can be taken apart easily. You can record videos ANYWHERE!

Portable teleprompters are great for areas where you need to use the space for multiple purposes. For example, if you’re recording your YouTube videos in a studio bedroom apartment, you don’t have a lot of space to keep your teleprompter. Having one that packs away on a shelf, folds into a bag, or simply stands in a corner is perfect!

1. DIY Presidential Teleprompter

A Presidential Teleprompter offers a lot of flexibility in terms of the size display and how you position your camera and display. It’s lightweight and can be assembled quickly and easily. We list the exact parts you’ll need to make your own. If you’re using the teleprompter for online meetings, we’ve also provided a guide on how to make a Zoom Teleprompter.

A high quality dielectric beamsplitter mirror allows flawless recording clarity, with virtually no tint. The anti-reflective backside prevents a double image known as “ghosting.”

The double reflection, also known as ghosting, makes it hard to read the text off of the mirror. Our mirror coating prevents this from happening!

Recording straight through the glass without any discoloration is a huge bonus! Your footage will seem as if you memorized your script, and you aren’t reading at all! How cool!

It’s great for permanent or portable use. We use the laptop tray for our iPad, but it can handle laptops up to 15”. The stand that it’s on is adjustable, so you are able to lower it to the perfect eye level.

Overall, our Presidential teleprompter is the best to use if you need something that is both portable and sturdy. Not to mention the teleprompter glass is the best!

Another great portable teleprompter is the Pad Prompter from OneTakeOnly! It uses our top-of-the-line beamsplitter glass, so I can vouch that the recording quality is exceptional.

Their Pad Prompters are extremely affordable, and are known to ship at a fast rate! Also, the product is packaged really well, so you can tell that they genuinely care about their products.

Next up is the Glide Gear iPad Smartphone Teleprompter. It supports any common tablet or smartphone, thus making it a great portable teleprompter!

It is also collapsible, so you can just grab it and go! It is a great teleprompter for the price, and it is light and compact.

Up next we have the Padcaster Parrot Teleprompter Kit! This is a portable teleprompter for your iPhone. However, it might be a little too portable.

It is extremely small. Unless you constantly need to read off of your phone for a teleprompter because you travel that much, then we don’t really recommend it.

But it does have some perks! It’s inexpensive, the size is fine as long as you don’t have to stand at a distance, and almost any DSLR camera can be used. The parrot teleprompter is simple, compact, and effective! It is a game changer and a must have in your travel bag!

Next up we have the Little Prompter. The Little Prompter is also inexpensive! It is 6x6x6 inches! Little Prompter uses our 30/70 teleprompter glass which is a great addition!

The key components are that it is compact and lightweight. It weighs less than a pound! However, you are more restricted on what you can use with it. For example, since it is so small, you can’t use a camera that has a wider angle lens.

For easy setup and use, the Little Teleprompter has tutorial videos and instructions on their website. The little prompter is the best type for doing live webinars or zoom meetings since it fits so nicely on top of a laptop.

Up next we have the Teleprompter Pad. This teleprompter uses the 60/40 dielectric glass. We recommend using 60/40 dielectric glass for the highest quality reflection which is awesome for live speeches.

It is compatible with most tablets and iPads. One thing to note is that they have a different model for the newest iPad Pro so when you go to the website, make sure it fits the screen you have!

The aluminum makes it lightweight and portable. It comes with a free remote control with your teleprompter!

But, you can only use the remote if you have an apple or android system. The main advantage is how easily it sets up and tears down.

Prompter People Teleprompter is next on the list, Prompter People’s website has videos that introduce each teleprompter, which is great when you don’t know which one you would want.

It even has a monitor selection diagram so you can test out your eyesight with each teleprompter. However, Prompter People is not the most cost effective if you’re looking for a portable teleprompter.

It is a high quality item from a vendor that you can trust with a sleek design. Having a great design is important for a portable teleprompter because it will be used for travel.

Autocue has an iPhone teleprompter, iPad teleprompter, and an iPad/DSLR Lite Teleprompter. Their website has a great Q&A section that will help you understand your teleprompter.

Even though these teleprompters are portable, they are not cheap. They also sell teleprompter accessories such as an iPhone Carry Case and an iPhone Pistol Grip.

It is easy to read from more than 10 feet away though which means it is highly versatile. Some people have even used it for karaoke, and they loved it!

9. Telmax Pro-IP-EX Universal Tablet and Smart Phone Teleprompter

The Telmax Pro-IP-EX Universal Tablet and Smart Phone Teleprompter fits all iPad and tablets that are under 10”. It also has a flexible tripod-mount design to place your camera on.

The tray that holds the iPad or table is a universal cradle. They also offer a free app that you can download that works only for iOS.

Teleprompter App

NFL teams have even purchased this teleprompter for certain production needs. It’s great because it’s adjustable, portable, and easy to set up!

There is also a free software that comes with it! Customers are loving it, and it can be used with different types of cameras and tripods.

Teleprompter Website

Green screens work great with teleprompters! We love to use green screens when we make out YouTube videos!

Green screens, otherwise known as a chroma key background, allows you to change the background by placing an image or video behind you in the editing process. We use it to put up amazing visuals to better explain concepts and it results in a very professional video in the end.

Download Free Teleprompter For Pc

If you get one, I recommend using green screen paper rather than a cloth one because that cloth is really hard to get the wrinkles out.