Browser Content Redirection treats websites whitelisted under the Authentication sites policy as child websites that must remain redirected if the parent website was in the ACL whitelist policy. In the Teams case then, teams.microsoft.com is the child website of. Hey together, we have a bit of trouble getting our cisco webex up and running inside our VDI with OS11.03.612 and 11.04.200. First Try: = User logs in on a persitant HVD with Citrix = Zoom for VDI is activated, Webcam works from ThinClient as aspected. Secound Try: = User logs in on a persitant HVD with Citrix. Webex Teams is the leading team collaboration app. Get access to screensharing, group messaging, cross-collaboration tools, and app integrations. Path: Sessions Citrix Citrix Global Unified Communications Cisco Cisco Webex Meetings VDI or Cisco Webex Teams VDI Available as of IGEL OS version 11.04.100 For the Cisco Webex Meetings / Teams VDI versions included, see IGEL OS release notes.
Without optimization, Webex app messaging works as-is in a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environment. The full Webex app experience also includes calling and meetings, which require video and audio media processing.
Because of a limitation known as the hairpin effect, calling, meeting, and accompanying video capability are not supported without optimization. The additional bandwidth required for calls and video creates a bottleneck at the data center because the media flows from one user to the data center back to another user. As a result of this unoptimized media path and the lack of easy access to peripherals such as device speakers, microphone, and camera, the user experience is not ideal.
To fix the issue of the hairpin effect, the Webex VDI plugin extends the Cisco collaboration experience to virtual deployments so that users can use the full messaging, meeting, and calling functionality that the Webex app provides.
To reduce latency and to enhance media quality, the VDI plugin optimizes the media workflows by streaming media directly between users on thin client endpoints and leverages the hardware of the thin client machines to handle media processing. This media path does not go through the hosted virtual desktops (HVDs). The result is a stable and full-featured calling and meeting experience for your VDI users.
In this architecture, the Webex app is installed on the HVD in your VDI environment and required VDI plugins are installed on the user's thin client (typically a lightweight system, like a repurposed laptop or desktop).

Using a supported Linux or Windows-based thin client, users access the Webex app on the HVD from a remote virtual desktop environment. With supported versions of Webex, users can use all of the built-in messaging, meetings, and calling on Webex functionality on their thin client. Additionally, you can integrate Webex VDI with a Unified CM or Webex Calling environment, so that users can use supported call features. You can also deploy the full featured meetings experience by installing the Webex Meetings VDI plugin.
Webex Teams Citrix Vdi
Note | The Webex on the virtual desktop still processes lightweight data such as the call signaling and retrieving configuration from the cloud. |
Webex Teams Citrix App
For new features for each release, see the Release Notes for more information.