Listening to
What Had Happened Was.
Winamp for Windows 10. Last updated: November 01, 2020 File Size: 22.00 MB. Winamp has remained a firm favourite for many tech geeks and music lovers alike. It had appeared to lose its way for a while, as it was slow in coming forward with newer versions, which could be supported by more modern software. The current version is 5.8 and Radionomy has announced that Winamp 6 is coming in 2020 with podcasts and other online integrated services. The best part is that the new Winamp will also make its way to Android and iOS in the coming days so that is awesome.
Open Mike Eagle Sits down with the legendary Prince Paul to discuss Prince Paul’s life, impact, and role in the world of Hip Hop.
I’ve been saving these 'til they’re all done, and have now whizzed through the first 5 episodes (of the 12 that have been put out) covering his work with Gravediggaz, De Le Soul (specifically 3ft High & Rising), A Prince Among Thieves, Chris Rock, and MF Doom. It really is a fantastic series; the conversation is slick, it’s inclusive (if you have no idea about any of his work), it’s in-depth, it’s funny, and it’s just dope.
Modern Winamp Skins

Britain’s obsession with school uniform reinforces social divisions by Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett.
As I’m currently experiencing the fun and joy of trying to sort uniform for both my kids, dealing with some ludicrous queues and stock issues from the one shop that provides clothes for their school, a lot of this article speaks to me.
It’s not only the availablity and cost thing though, it’s the weirdness in general. I’m not a fan.
Why is it that, as a nation, we are so faithful to the concept where other countries are not? Why are so few alarmed by the need of educators to strip a child of his or her individuality at so young an age? And why do proponents continue to hide behind the falsehood that they help poorer pupils?
Looking at

Winamp Themes
Winamp skins.
“Infinite scroll through 65k Winamp skins with instant search and in-browser interactive preview” thanks to Jordan Eldredge. Like many other people of a certain vintage, I have fond memories of Winamp (and yes, it’s odd to have a special place in your heart for a bit of software). Probably spent more time changing skins on the player than I did playing MP3s on it, so it was a lot of fun browsing this archive and trying to decide which one I’d install today.
Winamp Skins Free Download
New = Option in Songticker's Right-Click menu to customize welcome message (thanks Juanus!).
New = [WACUP users] specific screenshots.
New = (Notifications) Mouse hover reveals a close button now
Fixed = Spanish translation (thanks 440 hercios!)
Fixed = Swapped Osciloscope's 'solid' and 'lines' in Vis RC menu (thanks PimpUigi!)
Removed = Variants of Oxygen font (experimental, it can be back)
Removed = Skin tips
Removed = File info background fade-in on startup (snappier)
Removed = Songticker option 'copy songticker info...' (it can be back if requested enough)
Removed = Extra separators on Right-Click menus.
Improved = Volume pop-up rebuilt to be more responsive.
Improved = Cleaned up some unused gammagroups.
Improved = [WACUP users] PL scrollbar has a better integration now.
Improved = Multibutton's text 'Open About Winamp' changed to 'Default Lightning Bolt Behaviour' to better reflect what's selected on Advanced Library Preferences.
Improved = Album art on side panel and File Info section now have a better Close button.
Improved = Under the hood work to make Color Themes page easier to update (door way more opened to new themes =) ).
Improved = 'Legacy' Color Themes look better now.
Added = Gordon Freeman's* color themes (thanks!) + 4 new ones by me.
*PS: Check out Gordon's Winamp skin >> Winamp 2000 SP4